Raspi Setup

This page describes how to setup a robot for experiments.

  1. Use Raspi Imager, and flash an sd card with Ubuntu Server 20.04.4 LTS

  2. On the sd card, modify the network-config file in system-boot with the following:
         dhcp4: true
         optional: true
           "swarm-5G": {}

    or whatever the name of the wifi. The {} indicates that there is no password for this wifi network.

  3. Boot the pi with sd card

    Warning: During your first boot a tool called cloud-init is doing configuration. WAIT for it to finish before trying to log in. It typically takes less than 2 minutes but there is a break between the log-in prompt and cloud-init completing. If you interrupt the process you have to start again. You’ll know it’s done when it outputs some more lines after the log-in prompt has appeared.

  4. Login with username ubuntu and password ubuntu

  5. Enable uart: modify the /boot/firware/usercfg.txt and add the following lines:
  6. Change the hostname: modify the file /etc/hostname to

    and change the first line of /etc/hosts to new_hostname

    In the future, to ssh into this computer, you will run ssh ubuntu@new_hostname.local

  7. Reboot pi

  8. Install docker: see https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/

  9. Post-install steps for docker: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/

  10. Clone robot-jumpstart: https://github.com/dasc-lab/robot-jumpstart

Follow the instructions in the readme.md.